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As the world of online communities and digital content continues to grow, creators and platforms are seeking new ways to protect access, validate users, and promote exclusivity.

Token gating is a novel approach to ensuring only qualified individuals gain entry to specific online spaces. In this article, we will dive into the concept of token gating and how to implement it using Gateful's Token Gating Platform.

What is Token Gating?

Token gating is a method of access control that requires users to hold a specific token in order to access certain content or features. This token can be a cryptocurrency or a non-fungible token (NFT), and it can be used to verify a user's identity, grant access to exclusive content, or reward users for their engagement.

Gateful's Token Gating Platform simplifies the process of creating token gated experiences, transforming any project into a powerful Web3-connected community without requiring any coding knowledge. The platform's integration with LIT Protocol allows users to create multiple token gates within the same experience and create on-chain conditions unique to their audience and requirements. Gateful's compatibility with major blockchain networks, including Ethereum, Binance Smart Chain, Solana, and Polygon, makes it easy for developers to integrate the platform with their favorite web frameworks, including React, Angular, Next.js, Vue.js, and PHP/HTML5.

How to Token Gate a Website with Gateful

1. Sign up for a Gateful account and log in to the dashboard.

2. Create a new project by clicking on the "New Project" button and entering your project's Top-Level Domain (TLD). Personalize your token gate splash screen by incorporating your logo, project name, and a compelling project description to establish a strong brand identity. Add a custom Privacy Policy link to demonstrate transparency and build trust with your user base, which is vital for long-term success and user engage

3. Specify the URLs you wish to gate by clicking on the "Add URL" button and entering the URLs.

4. Select your website framework or code library. Gateful supports React, Angular, Next.js, Vue.js, and PHP/HTML.

5. Create the on-chain conditions required for access by clicking on the "Add Condition" button and selecting the conditions you want to set.

6. Generate a dynamic script by clicking on the "Generate Script" button. This script will be tailored to your specific web framework and can be easily installed within your web application to enhance your digital experience with Web3 Token Gating.

7. Install the generated script within your web application to enable token gating. This can be done by following the instructions provided by Gateful in the dashboard.

Gateful is the easiest way to token gate any website or web application.

If you're looking to add Web3 Token Gating functionality to your website or web application and do not know where to start, contact our Web3 implementation team for a demo.
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